Help Us Stop Deadly Underwater Sounds!!!
High intensity manmade underwater sounds are deadly dangerous to dolphins, whales, fish, and other marine life!!! There is grave concern that the proliferation of these high intensity underwater sounds poses significant threats to marine mammals, fish and other ocean wildlife.
These deadly manmade sounds are being produced by air guns used for seismic surveys and oil and gas exploration, military active sonars, and underwater demolition, all of which are filling the seas.
The problem with all these sounds is that some are so loud and intense; they can injure, deafen, and even kill marine life.
These impacts, as listed by the US Marine Mammal Commission, include death from hemorrhaging and trauma, hearing loss, stress, disruption of feeding and breeding, and the abandonment of traditional habitats, causing subsequent decreases in marine mammal survival and productivity.
Moreover, the Navy’s own research shows adverse effects on human divers exposed to active sonar including dizziness, memory loss, and seizures.
Now, the US Navy is wanting to expand its Sonar Testing Ranges along the East and West Coast along with the Hawaiian Islands in the breeding and feeding grounds of whales and dolphins.
The Navy’s Own Environmental Review concedes it could kill more than 1,000 marine mammals, cause more than 5,000 serious injuries, and inflict nearly 5 million cases of temporary hearing loss!
On top of that, the US oil and gas industry is demanding new seismic surveys all along our East and West coasts as well as the Gulf of Mexico.
We presented our film, “Deadly Sounds in the Silent World “ to the US Congress and to the delegates attending the United Nations meeting on the Law of the Sea calling on them to take action and to regulate the proliferation of underwater noise.
Watch the film and help us stop Deadly Sounds Now!!
Here is what you can do:
1. Write, e-mail, or call President Biden and tell him to direct the Navy to adopt common-sense safeguards right away that will protect marine mammals during routine training without sacrificing our national security and also tell him that we need to keep the offshore drilling moratorium in tact and to halt seismic surveys in US territorial waters.
White House Comment Line: (202) 456-1111.
White House Fax Line: (202) 456-2461.
Compose and Send a message directly to President Biden:
President Biden’s mailing address:
President Joe Biden, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20500.
2. Write or call your US Representatives and Senators and tell them to direct the Navy to adopt common-sense safeguards right away that will protect marine mammals during routine training without sacrificing our national security and also tell them that we need to keep the offshore drilling moratorium in tact and to halt seismic surveys in US territorial waters.
US Capitol Switchboard: (202) 456-1414.